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Dance Of The Macabre

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It was supposed to be a vacation. That's what Denver police detective Sarah Spillman thinks when she and her boyfriend, Harris Sousen, stumble across a body by the lake near their mountain cabin. But this is no ordinary body, and Sarah can't help but investigate. What she finds is more weird than murder…

Renée Pawlish is the author of the award-winning Reed Ferguson mystery series. Look for Detective Sarah Spillman in Farewell, My Deuce, Out of the Past, Torch Scene, and The Lady Who Sang High.

Readers' Favorite Finalist in Mystery
Over 200,000 copies downloaded!
A top-seller on Amazon's Private Investigator list!

A wannabe private eye with a love of film noir and detective fiction.
A rich, attractive femme fatale.
A missing husband.
A rollicking ride to a dark and daring ending.

Reed Ferguson’s first case is a daring adventure, complete with a dose of film noir, and a lot of humor. With a great supporting cast of the Goofball Brothers, Reed’s not too bright neighbors, and Cal, Reed’s computer geek friend, This Doesn’t Happen In The Movies is detective noir at its best. Follow Reed as he solves crime akin to his cinematic hero, Humphrey Bogart.

What Reviewers Are Saying:

Kirkus Reviews:
The promising kickoff to Pawlish's comic mystery series, starring far-from-perfect PI Reed Ferguson. Pawlish earns high marks for plot construction, with twists and turns naturally unfolding as Ferguson, inexperienced but not incapable, feels his way through the case. A good-humored mystery series worth following.

Readers' Favorite:
This is one witty, hilarious detective story that will keep the reader glued to the pages until the very end.

5 Star Review
There is little doubt that Renée Pawlish is a promising new voice to the comic murder/mystery genre. Quite noticeable…is Pawlish's adept development of the plot coupled with her ability to contrive clear, concise and playful prose with almost perfect pacing.

Norman Goldman, Bookpleasures Publisher and Editor
Top Amazon Reviewer

The Reed Ferguson mystery series:

• Book 1: This Doesn't Happen In The Movies (Free eBook)
• Book 2: Reel Estate Rip-off
• Book 3: The Maltese Felon
• Book 4: Farewell, My Deuce
• Book 5: Out Of The Past
• Book 6: Torch Scene
• Book 7: The Lady Who Sang High
• short story: Elvis And The Sports Card Cheat

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