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Reed Ferguson Box Set 1-3

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Meet Reed Ferguson, Denver's wittiest new detective.

“I was halfway through the first chapter when I did something I rarely do – I laughed out loud. From that point on, I was hooked.” ~Amazon Review


This Doesn’t Happen In The Movies (A Reed Ferguson Mystery #1)

When a beautiful, rich woman walks into Reed’s office and hires him to find her dead husband, Reed can’t believe he scored his first case, but this femme fatale is full of secrets. As the lies pile up, and her story keeps changing, she soon becomes a suspect rather than a client.

Reel Estate Rip-off (A Reed Ferguson Mystery #2)

A real estate agent who didn’t like cycling or heights dies after riding off a cliff in the Colorado mountains, and the police label it suicide. Is a killer on the loose? Someone is determined to keep the details of the death hidden, and searching for the truth might cost Reed his life.

The Maltese Felon (A Reed Ferguson Mystery #3)

When a client begs Reed to find the prize-winning Maltese show dog stolen from her back yard, Reed suspects he may be channeling Ace Ventura: Pet Detective rather than his hero, Humphrey Bogart. It sounds like a simple case, but when a ransom drop goes awry, and more valuable dogs go missing, Reed discover man's best friend can attract some decidedly unfriendly characters.

Elvis And The Sports Card Cheat (A Reed Ferguson Mystery Short Story)

Perry Rawlings, an Elvis impersonator discovers his prize Mickey Mantle baseball card stolen. Can Reed track down the culprit?


Surprisingly fresh and fun to read! —Amazon Reviewer

These stories have substance and wit in all the right places. Great writing that brings the characters to life. Don't pass them up. —Amazon Reviewer

What a hoot! Each of the stories was filled with twists and turns intertwined with suspense and laughter. I thoroughly enjoy the series and look forward to more of Detective Reed. —Amazon Reviewer

These books are so funny I laugh out loud! —Amazon Reviewer

When I started with the first one I could not put them down! —Amazon Reviewer

Best noir detective since Sam Spade. —Amazon Reviewer

If you love Robert B. Parker, Robert Crais, Harlan Coben, and Alan Lee, you'll love this series.

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